
Look, look above
Look how they send us their illusions into our amazed eyes
Look, look at you
Look how similar you are with them

I didn't feel the gravity
They stole it all, 
When my unspecial black ones met them
I was flying, feeling the wind brushed my hair
Made it flaunt, like those fireworks that danced everytime you smiled
But, then I fell and dove deep into your magic stare
I somehow highly enjoyed it
I enjoyed every movement I made, slowly getting deeper into the black
I was almost there
Broke in the locked door
Trying to find you, to save you
But, I didn't see anything
Where are you?

The lights suddenly gone
Leaving me all alone
With the coldness that was hard as the stone

The darkness slowly filling the atmosphere
Blinding my vision, I was going nowhere
All I could see was just your cold stare
Yes, I did care

I give my damn to what was going on in those eyes
That always freeze my movement into a glossy ice
I wasn’t scared
But, I couldn’t read
What you craved there
I couldn’t see
What you hide behind

I wanted to see clearer
I want to dive deeper
Into the darkness
Running in restless
Trying to keep fearless
Just to feel your flawless

I didn’t mind
Leaving the air, losing my breath
I didn’t mind
Looking for those lights ‘till the end and keeping them alive
Letting them wipe my tears, watering my dry smiles
Embracing my frozen heart, making it melted into my stomach

No, don’t smile
Don’t give me that powerful lips-attraction
The butterflies fantastically jumped in surprise
My happiness suddenly did arise
And my jumpiness screamed in a noise
That smile somehow healed my bruise
Made me forget about life and demise
I knew that you took me to the paradise
No, keep it on
Keep that smile

The butterflies were still waving
No, what did you do?
You made them flap their wings, in a full speed
They were just mile stones in the deep
But, you woke them up from their endless sleep
Yeah, you gave them soul
Just by a single drop of my foul
My dropped-fouled heart
Yeah, did you realize that you made my heart dropped so hard into my stomach?

I loved the stars, but not as much as my love to your eyes
Yours were more breath-taking
They were beyond amazing
They shimmered sometimes,
I couldn't even count how much I adored their remarkably beauty
They glimmered sometimes,
I wondered who the hell did dull their astonishing purity

I noticed those butterflies kept dancing and dancing
They were getting bigger, duplicating their selves into twins
I knew I lost, and they obviously did win
You didn't know that they were getting crazy of your touch
You didn't know that they admired you so much
You didn't know that they thought you were nonesuch
You were the only one that made them being overmuch

But then,
You killed them
You murdered them
Ripped their colorful appearance
Replace them with the dust and gave them to the wind
Yeah, you burnt them with flames, scorched their silver
When those precious eyes couldn't away from your-so-heart-driver’s
When that miraculous smile was made just for her
And when your fingers held the five of hers
Instead of those dying butterflies’ owner’s
That all this time, had became your admirer

(- The butterflies’ owner)

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