
Ewh. Stop it. You shouldn't be, you know that.


I take that as a spirit.

Ha, it was a sarcasm, for your information.


But, why?


Why does it feel..... hurt?


You don't know the answer?

I know it. I always know it.

Then, why?

Because you always think of 'if only's instead of 'yay! I did it.'s

What do you me-

What I mean is, you always think about the past. And, sadly, the past that you always think is the past that has never ever happened.

You make me so hard to understand.


You always think of your dreams, your (used to be) plans, that you haven't made it real yet. That you haven't reached it. That you haven't experienced.
You always think of 'if only's.
'If only we still be like what it used to be, that would be me. If only we've never ever been like this before, this wouldn't be this hurt. If only we've never ever met and known each other before, I'd never be so caring and stupid and idiot and being a backstabber bitch blahblahblah.'

Don't you ever say I'm wrong, because I'm so right. Everything else seems so wrong.

You 'may be' right.

I'm 100% right.

How can you be so sure?

Because, I'm your subconscious sound, you moron. Oh, I kinda regret having an owner like you.


WAKE UP! Wake up, moron! You SHOULDN'T be LIKE THIS.


No 'but's. This is what it should be. This is what it HAS to be. 

You've done everything for reasons.


this is.

This is one of your reasons.

This is THE reason.

Can I- can I ask you something?

If a 'sure' can make you go on, then, sure.

Should it.... Should IT be ME?

For a God's sake, do I really have to answer that question?

Yes, please.



Because, for a hundred times I say, this is the right thing to happen.

Let them go. Let your heart be happy.

Let me be happy.

- a debating thought.

Can I ask you something more, but with a promise I won't give you any questions again?

Okay, then.

Why me?

Because God chooses you.

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