

Addicted to Instagram

Gue addicted banget sama Instagram akhir-akhir ini :D Pada tau kan instagram apaan? :D
Banyak banget foto2 keren yang gue temuin di instagram :3 pokoknya kerenlah.
Ada yang punya instagram disini? follow me on --> @muktimuktitika ;D

"Differences make us united," they say.

Differences make us united.

Iseng-iseng motret gambar tugas Geografinya Indah :D

*cough* It's August *cough*

HALOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Setelah bermenit-menit menggalau, akhirnya kepribadian asli gue balik lagi(?)

I havent updated my blog in forever OMG. Well, so how's everyone doing? I'm great like always. And oh, Happy Eid Mubarak! :D It's August already OMG, means the important month has been coming!
Yeah, August.

Why is everyone changed?

You've changed. Like seriously, you've been changed. I'm not talking about your physic. It's the way you talked, looked, the way you treated me. It's not you. It's not like you. Hey where is the old you? Did you lose it? If you did, go find it. Cause the old you is better.
Why did you leave?
Where are your texts?
I miss them, like seriously.
I used to like you, but no, I don't. If you asked me, did I love you, No I didn't and I will never. I just miss. I miss the old you. That is.

#bukanngomonginsiapa2 ._. #gaje ..___..

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